
Key national legislative developments

This chapter resumes the main legislative amendments concerning gas and electricity in Belgium in 2015.

Transposition of the European directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency.

Amendment of the gas act in view of creating a shared balancing zone for gas covering Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Amendment of regulations relating to power outages.

Creation of the Energy transition fund fed by the owner of the Doel 1 and Doel 2 power plants in exchange for the duration extension of the industrial production of electricity permit for these power plants.

VAT on electricity.

The electricity market

This chapter provides a summary of the main aspects of the electricity market in 2015.

  • After a sharp reduction in the load following the 2008 economic crisis, it picked up again at the start of 2010. However, this recovery did not last. Compared to 2007, the reduction in the average load totals 12.9% in 2015.

Average monthly load on the ELIA network from 2007 to 2015 (Sources: ELIA data, CREG calculations)

  • The offtakes (Elia network load) totalled 77.2 TWh and the wholesale market share in energy produced in Belgium reached its lowest level at 55.4 TWh, the consequence of which was an increase in net imports at a record level compared to the past nine years. This situation primarily results from decreased electricity production from the nuclear power plants that have suffered from a number of problems between 2012 and 2015.
  • The implementation of the flow-based market coupling between the five countries of the CWE region took place in May 2015. It replaced the available transmission capacity (ATC) calculation mechanism. Flow-based market coupling is a combined commercial transmission capacity calculation and allocation method. It is used to predict transmission capacity on the market at the place where the creation of social well-being is at its highest.
  • Despite less favourable weather conditions in 2015 compared to 2014, the annual peak power point recorded continued its downward trend.
  • The average Belgian monthly prices on the stock markets did not follow the previously recorded downward trend, although the import volume set a new record. The monthly average robustness of the Belpex market deteriorated, particularly in September and October when the size of the loop flows reduced electricity energy import capacity, while the issue of the nuclear power plants had still not been resolved and demand was low.

Monthly average prices on the BELPEX, APX, EPEX EN and EPEX GE exchanges between 2007 and 2015 (Sources: CREG, ELIA, APX, POWERNEXT, EEX)

In 2015, the CREG also continued to place emphasis on improving market operations, with the aim of protecting the interests of all consumers:

  • It conducted a study on energy prices for SMEs and self-employed workers, which showed that considerable savings could still be made for this consumer sector if they were better informed.
  • It carried out an assessment of the safety net mechanism and concluded that no effects detrimental to the market were recorded and that the mechanism contributes, without doubt, to improved transparency.
  • It monitored prices and the market through studies on the cost structure of nuclear power plants, on the energy price fixing mechanism in supply contracts for large industrial customers and on the shareholding of the main suppliers of electricity and gas who hold a Belgian supply permit.
  • It conducted a study on the profitability of electricity storage in Belgium, including the various technologies and related costs, which was addressed to the competent recommendations authorities with a view to prioritising the development of storage capacity.

Also in 2015, REMIT (Regulation on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency) was launched. Its aim is to create a European regulatory framework specific to the wholesale market, thus improving its operation, preventing abuses (market manipulations, attempts at market manipulations, insider trading) and imposing sanctions where applicable.

At the end of 2015, the CREG approved Elia's electricity transmission tariffs for the period 2016-2019. The downward trend of the approved budget ensured costs were controlled in the interests of the consumer, while enabling the transmission system operator to gain access to the means necessary for fulfilling its legal role, notably with regard to implementing its ambitious investment programme in Belgium.


The Natural Gas Market

This chapter provides a summary of the main aspects of the gas market in 2015.

  • Total natural gas consumption amounted to 175.8 TWh, which represents an increase of 9.6% compared to consumption in 2014 (160.4 TWh). This is due to increased consumption of natural gas in all consumer segments. We observe a clear increase in consumption by end customers connected to the distribution systems (+ 10.7%), a marked increase in consumption by the power generation (possibly combined with heat production) (+ 12.4%) and a limited increase in consumption by industrial customers (+ 4.8%).

  • Breakdown per user segment of the Belgian demand for H-gas and L-gas in 2014 and 2015 (Source: CREG)

  • Since 1 October 2015, a single gas balancing zone covering Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is in place through the implementation of a single entry/exit system with a shared balancing regime and a single notional trading point (ZTP hub). This initiative is the first market integration project between two European Member States.
  • When comparing the average annual day-ahead gas prices (DAM), respectively for Belgium (ZTP), the Netherlands (TTF) and Germany (NCG, Gaspool) (in €/MW), one notices an almost perfect price convergence on the short-term market, which shows that fluid cross-border natural gas trade is possible between Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany (for H-gas, at least).

Average annual gas price on the day and year ahead market (Sources: CREG, data used taken from,,,

At the end of 2015, the CREG approved Fluxys Belgium's natural gas transmission tariffs for the period 2016-2019. The new tariffs will ensure the stability of the market, both in terms of prices and structure. The 7% tariff reduction from the beginning of 2015 is maintained in the new tariffs, which means that the part of the price paid by the end customer for transmission costs remains stable and limited.

In 2015, the CREG also continued to place emphasis on the improvement of market operations in terms of protecting the interests of all consumers. We discuss these aspects in more detail in the Electricity chapter.



The CREG is a committed team that works in a spirit of continued dialogue with the different market players. This chapter notably describes its operation and the close relationships it maintains with other national and European bodies.

The board of directors issued almost 200 acts (decisions, opinions, studies, etc.) in 2015.